Called Out: MSNBC

I’m all for calling people out when the deserve it – not discluding me. I called myself out for Phandroid’s Live Blog Failure and more recently, our Official Cupcake hitting US article was admittedly premature since it was for Dev Phones only, although a consumer upgrade announcement came soon after. I won’t point fingers at others I’ve called out in the past but today I’m calling out Suzanne Choney from MSNBC.

Here is the first paragraph from her article titled, “Palm Pre prepares to battle ‘iBerry’ juggernaut“:

For the first time in nearly two years, the iPhone faces a showdown with what could be a true iPhone challenger. It’s not a BlackBerry. It’s not an Android phone. It’s a Palm and it’s called the Pre.

For the first time in nearly two years? While acknowledging the existence of Android? That’s just nonsense. I tried to “X” out the tab in my browser… but it bothered me too much – and now here we stand/sit. The iPhone has one manufacturer. WebOS has one manufacturer. Android has…. forget it… I’m preaching to the choir.

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