HTC Hero Hitting T-Mobile USA?

Just a few short days ago we saw the HTC website provide a “support page” for the HTC Hero with Sprint:

Now leakdroid is claiming that same support page exists for the T-Mobile HTC Hero!

It would have been really, really easy to just swap out the Sprint text for identical looking T-Mobile text so this rumor is quite firmly placed as rumor for the time being. That being said, T-Mobile and HTC have together been the #1 proponents for Android so it would make perfect sense.

Some are discounting this possibility because at the MyTouch 3G launch event a T-Mobile exec specifically said that the company did not have plans to release the HTC Hero. This is a completely ridiculous assumption to make. Why would anyone in the media ask the company about the HTC Hero when the event was based around the MyTouch 3G? It was misguided question and T-Mobile answered as any company would have in order to keep the focus on the phone at hand – the MyTouch 3G.

Of course now we’ve all got our countdown clocks ready for rigorous use as we look forward to an announcement from both Sprint and T-Mobile regarding the latest greatest Android phone to hit the market.

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