
Philips V900: China Mobile OPhone That Thankfully Ain’t A Dell, Dude


Yesterday the Dell Mini 3i disappointed and today the company back peddled on the phone’s existence. Thankfully for Chinese Phandroids Philips has quickly swooped in to restore your robot faith. At the same event, the company introduced the Philips V900 which is an Android Phone based on China Mobile’s Open Mobile System (OMS), and its bottom line specs easily surpass the Dell waved around yesterday:

Notice the iPhoney user interface? Its on purpose and gives the OPhone name some nice legs. Add WiFi, 3.5mm headphone jack, 3.2 MP camera and pretty decent looks and the Philips V900 ain’t a bad piece of hardware from the jump. It sure beats that Dell which lacked Wi-Fi and 3G, resulting in a round of golf claps.

[163 via HTCphones]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Looks a bit square and wide, but nice nonetheless. Sure beats the hell out of that Dell thing.

  2. HEY one of thoughs pitures has a Magic and (I assume) the lenovo phone in it.
    Does this mean that the oPhone Android theam/disto is portable to other android phones,

    Like the HTC Magic and Dream?
    This would make “Android Standard”, “HTC Sence” and “Ophone” Theams/Distros.
    (If Ophone is proted to english). Also other companys (moto) plan on bringing out more! :) COOL

  3. On second thought,… maby i got it wrong and Ophone is a ‘brand’ and not a theam/disto.

  4. don’t know why… but the design kinda reminds me of the HTC Hero…

  5. @Ted: I was thinking the SAME thing when I saw these.. looks pretty similar to the Hero but a lil bigger. Any idea what screen size this is?

  6. Does Philips V900 have a noise reduction system like Crystal Talk?

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