Android At Google I/O 2010, Registration Open

The 2009 Google I/O was HUGE for not only Android , but everyone who attended the event:  everyone who attended got a Google Ion and while not directly Android related, the company announced Google Wave. Today Google announced Google I/O 2010 on May 19th and 20th in San Francisco and promised even more Android goodness:

I/O 2010 will be focused on building the next generation of applications in the cloud and will feature the latest on Google products and technologies like Android, Google Chrome, App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, Google APIs and more. Members of our engineering teams and other web development experts will lead more than 80 technical sessions. We’ll also bring back the Developer Sandbox, which we introduced at I/O 2009, where developers from more than 100 companies will be on hand to demo their apps, answer questions and exchange ideas.

They’ve already announced a bunch of sessions, 4 of which are Android related:

That last one looks really interesting and I’m sure more will be added as we get closer to the event. But you probably shouldn’t wait until closer to the event to buy your tickets – last year it sold out well before go time.

Register now through April 16th for the discounted price of $400 or if you’re a student/professor or member of academia grab a limited number of special $100 tickets. Wait too long and the price will be $500, or even worse, they’ll be sold out!

I’m not sure Google can top last year’s event, but if they even try, it will set a precedent where year after year everyone is expecting Google to make a huge splash annually and will probably be compared to another event the tech industry loves.

In any case, Google I/O 2010 promises to be a big day for Android so put this on your calendar in permanent marker!

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