iPhone owners have the distinct pleasure of settling debts via PayPal on their phones, simply by “bumping” their phones together. It’s a pretty darn cool feature and one you should not be jealous of, because its on the way to Android shortly. And by shortly they mean the next 2 or 3 months – at least that’s what they told CNET.
There are two main things I’m wondering:
Will the app allow you to bump an Android Phone and iPhone for cross-platform payment?
Why don’t more people have PayPal?
I know that statistically a LOT of people do have PayPal. But recently I’ve wanted to pay some friends back for random events/nights/etc… and when they don’t live nearby I’ve mentioned “I’ll just PayPal you”. Nope, I won’t, because they don’t have an account.
I think us tech obsessors are MUCH more likely to have a PayPal account, even if we’ve only used it once or twice in the past decade. I’m hoping more people sign up because this seems like a ridiculously easy way to settle debts, even if its something as simple as sitting at a restaurant and working out the bill or being at a baseball game or concert and evening out ticket prices and concessions.
But alas, there will always be a group of people who think PayPal and Bump Payments are a HORRIBLE idea. And there is a very specific name for that group… MOOCHERS!
Extra credit for whoever gets what movie this article’s title is a pun about – no need to share the quote – with both hands on the keyboard I don’t have any earmuffs handy.