Samsung Epic 4G Now Available

It’s August 31st and that means some of you will be up bright and early to head out for the Samsung Epic 4G. We know Sprint’s opening their stores at 8am across the country for the special occasion, and we know you guys’ll be there an hour early unable to contain your excitement. You can grab the device today for $249.99 after mail-in rebates and instant savings, but don’t forget that Amazon is offering it for $50 less so it’s right in tune with what you’re used to paying for a new high-end Android these days.

Get started at Sprint’s site today if you don’t mind waiting on your device to ship. After you’ve done that, double back to because we know you won’t be able to resist talking about the phone every second it’s in your hands. Luckily, we have a crazed community of would-be fellow owners there to share your pain (or joy, depending on how you see it). Be sure to say hello in the Epic 4G section.

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