
Droid 2 World Edition Pictured with its Own Silver and White Color Scheme



Simply releasing a Motorola Droid 2 with internals capable of global roaming probably wouldn’t have done much to differentiate the world device from the D2 currently on Verizon’s shelves, so good thing Big Red decided to give the phone a cosmetic makeover (at least in the color department). This is our first look at what will be the Droid 2 World Edition (or Droid 2 Global or Droid Pro or whatever it may end up being called) with its white casing and silver screen bezel as opposed to the blue and gunmetal of the first Droid 2. Rumor has it this one might replace the first iteration of the Droid 2 outright in VZW’s lineup.

Other than the new colors and roaming capabilities, looks like we will be getting the same exact phone. We more or less expected that, though some were holding out hope for some tweaks in the hardware here and there.

This will be the first world-roaming member of the Droid family and I must say the new look makes this a pretty tempting handset. Hit up the via link below for a couple more images.

[via DroidLife]

Kevin Krause
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  1. You know, I love Phandroid, but do you guys actually ever receive your own exclusives? I know it’s nothing new for sites to re-post articles/news all the time, but I feel as though everything that ever makes the front-page is on the heels of Droid-Life or some other Android dedicated site.

    Seriously though, I still <3 me some PD.

  2. Much better than the horrible blue.

  3. not sure if i like it
    it’s less “professional attire”
    and more
    “pearly white plastic toy”

  4. this is better than the navy but I still like the black and gold look of the original droid.

  5. Much worse than straight black of the original Droid…

  6. So why not release this in Europe too, i dont get it…..

  7. @max, you don’t need it in Europe. You don’t have CDMA bands. GSM/UMTS (mostly) works the world over. What you need is a Milestone 2.

  8. i dont know get it. besides the color what makes it different?

  9. So if I buy full price and if it means World Edition Will it be compatible with my AT&T SIMS card? just wondering

  10. Plastic toy? haha. This is pure heavy metal baby! Theres nothing wrong with not being another plain looking black phone. Very classy yet edgy. This is what it should have looked like all along. Looks should be a huge selling point for phones. I dont know about you guys but im getting tired of seeing the same black on black plasticky slab. Props to moto for making a standout phone.

  11. @uprooted you’re right but i prefer this color, still what i f i buy from the states, i assume i can put a gsm card in there and it will work right?

  12. But i probably going for the desire Z.

  13. Any rumors on a release date yet?

  14. Will both radios work at the same time? For example….
    Im thinking about getting this and purchasing a data only plan from vzw for data and using my t-mobile sim card for sms and calls. will that work?

  15. @Jubbs – there’s a reason I follow this site – too much work to follow all the other sites out there.

    Easier for me to come to this single place and see all the news related to Android.

  16. For everyone asking about using the phone on GSM in the states, don’t hold your breath. Every other global phone from Verizon has only worked on non-US GSM bands and I’d be surprised if this one is any different.

  17. Any word on a release date?

  18. dave.. incorrect sir.. ive used plenty of vzw world phones on other carriers.. just gotta have it unlocked while its active on vzw

  19. this is not milestone 2?

  20. @knaas, no its not and this one might be a 1.2ghz phone.

  21. Wow, all they did was change the color… haha

  22. the color is completely iPhone clone, and that just saddens me..

  23. Sigh… yes every IPhone is a slider touchscreeen with a physical QWERTY keyboard. Hardly a clone of anything except a Droid.1 or a two tone car from the 70’s. Either way the argument that anything with a touch screen is a clone of the IPhone is tired. Maybe I will put that and the Verizon Iphone article on a competing blog on a styrofoam gravestone in my yard this halloween.

  24. @g3treal
    ROFL, good one, that’s exactly what I was thinking.

  25. I dont really get it. If its a world phone, why its not compatible with EU UMTS?

  26. I assume this is compatible with Europe gsm….

  27. @g3real
    He didn’t say the PHONE was a clone, he said the color was, you know the black and white.. learn how to read, then try and post a snarky comment.

  28. @Jubbs, you misunderstand what this site is about. It’s not journalism. It’s basically a pre-executed search engine with (frequently inaccurate) commentary by editors who don’t fully understand what they’re commenting upon (and often don’t care to understand). Read the headlines and follow the links to the source material. If you stop thinking of this as a source of information and rather a means to find it quickly, it reduces frustration with what gets posted here.

  29. Do not like the white

  30. I love my Droid! It is WAY better then the iPhone, trust me I’ve had both! The best part is, I got mine for Free for testing it out and giving a testimonial.
    Last I checked, they still had some available.
    Click Here for Free Droid Cell Phone

  31. Make a blue one like a good blue and no silver chrome

  32. im Gettin the droid 2 and im wantin the white with silver bc the blue makes it just seem dark bc the screen is already kind of dark
    nbut thats just my opinion

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