
DeNA and Samsung Teaming Up to Bring Social Mobile Gaming to Samsung Devices


Another day, another partnership between Samsung and the world’s innovators. This time, they’ve buzzed DeNA (we’re betting that’s pronounced D.N.A.) to help bring their social gaming platform – “Mobage” – to Samsung devices. With DeNA’s SDK and social platform, Samsung can enable users of their handsets and tablets to share scores and look at leaderboards, track game progress, and maintain friends lists to keep in touch with your mobile gaming buddies.


We most likely won’t see the fruits of the partnership in tangible form until mid-2011, but I’m guessing Samsung’s going to treat this as their very own Game Center. In any capacity, we’re just glad to see Samsung taking the gaming side of things just as seriously as they do everything else. [via Droid Gamers]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. great give me my froyo as you promised 6 months ago, then worry about useless shit I dont need. It’s seems these corporate types just open thier mouths and promise us unicorns and rainbows, but all we actually get is a tijuana donkey show.

  2. @Sweetbuns

  3. You still want froyo when gingerbread came out? how lame. You know they do have an official rom in the forums for 2.2 so I doubt its so much Samsungs fault rather than T-Mobile’s.

  4. come on man, blame your carrier!! Froyo for international SGS have official role out long time ago. The junk apps form your carrier make it so slow to role….

  5. froyo has been out a very long time. I already have 2.2.1 official firmware on my galaxy s.

    It’s your carrier. Idiot.

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