
Android Has Been All Over the World, How About You? [Android Developers Blog]


One of the coolest things about the open nature of the Android platform is the amount of support the Android Team gives to developers around the globe. The sort of international engagement we’re talking about is highlighted in a recent post on the Android Developers Blog detailing some of the many global events the Android Team has been involved in with mobile developers. From Droidcon UK and Google Developer Days in Germany to events all over South America, Android has been making a serious presence known. Check out some of the action that went down at the Google User Group Hackathon in Prague, where the Android and Chrome teams took part in all-day hacking bootcamps:

Any of our global readers and developers have a chance to take part in any of these events? Let us know, and be sure to read all about the crazy goings on at the source link below.

[via Android Developers Blog]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I was attending the Prague Hackathon (I am in the video ;)

  2. Me too, second row from the back blue shirt black ball cap. :)

  3. Verizon iWhat? I laugh at the people who think the iPhone coming to Verizon is going to kill Android. Stories of it spreading just keep coming.

  4. There is Android Only in Stockholm in September, as well! Was a great event last year…

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