
T-Pain’s Own Nappy Boy Entertainment Presents Booty Symphony for Android


Here is another story you guys can whine “slow news day?” about. T-Pain, the fine purveyor of all things auto-tune, and his Nappy Boy Entertainment have just launched a new Android app called Booty Symphony. What exactly is a Booty Symphony? I’m not quite sure, and the internationally-clad ladies in the below video aren’t doing much to shed light on it either.

The app itself provides you with the opportunity to leverage a library of “booty soundboards” featuring samples of songs from some of Nappy Boy’s finest to create similar 30-second clips. Here is the tongue-in-cheek explanation of why the app had to exist:

“Smartphones have given people an incredible amount of computing power, but until now, this power has been wasted,” says creator and choreographer of Booty Symphony, Sakinah LeStage. “America is thirsty for an app that finally does something useful. Through their shared appreciation of the art of clapping, Booty Symphony was born.”

The person who creates the video garnering the most views even wins 1,000 cans of Booty Sweat energy drink. Pretty good reason right there to download the app for $2.99 in the Android Market and give it a try, right? Oh, there is also a free version on GetJar. Have at it.

[via AndroidGuys]

Kevin Krause
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  1. $3 sound board? no thanks.

  2. “Here is another story you guys can whine “slow news day?” about”

    Got some sand in your vagina today Kevin???

  3. i love booty and i love android.. im juiced im going to download it right now!!

  4. I don’t blame Kevin for calling out all the whiners out there. I’m tired of comment after comment of negativity. Nobody “makes” you come to phandroid to read the articles. I read the ones that sound interesting and ignore the rest, but some people make it sound like they’re forced to come to this site only. STFU.

  5. A Bust-A-Nut bar would go nicely with a can of Booty Sweat…

  6. isnt it kinda degrading to all the flags…to me the American flag? I dont mind the booty lol but bad concept

  7. Idk if srs….come on t-pain really?

  8. That was so lame!

  9. Nonsense!

  10. Uh… what just happened…???

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