
New Comcast XFINITY TV App Channel Surfs Into the Android Market


Before you cry old news or deja vu, this Comcast XFINITY TV app is not the same as the XFINITY Mobile app released last year. Where the first allowed you to schedule DVR recordings and surf channel lineups, the XFINITY TV app functions more like a standard remote controlling your DVR box (along with surfing channel lineups and scheduling recordings).

For now, Android 2.3 or higher is not compatible with the app. Sorry to Nexus owners and anyone who has modded their phone with a custom Gingerbread ROM. For everyone else, you can grab the app in the market now.

[via AndroidCentral]

Kevin Krause
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  1. finally

  2. I’m actually kind of excited about this

  3. Wow, this kind of stinks. I am on AOSP Android 2.3 on my Sprint HTC Hero and this is incompatible apparently.

    Nice try, Comcast. Better luck next time?

  4. How about a time warner app we need one of those

  5. Bah! Aparently it’s not compatible with my Droid X

  6. I think i am having deja vu cause this is old news!

  7. It works on my Droid X, but I miss the favorites function of their mobile app.

  8. It looks like such a good App, but still behind in the times compare to other companies. Working at DISH Network I have the application for TV Everywhere on my phone, and can access my DVR and watch live TV from anywhere. It’s great to have with me when I am traveling. With Comcast you still have to be in your home to watch your TV.

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