ComScore: Android Passes RIM in US Market Share to Become Number One, Mostly Everyone Else on the Decline

Take the title above, switch RIM with any major mobile operating system or their vendor and you’ve got a gist of what’s going to happen throughout 2011. 2010 was Android’s breakthrough year as it skyrocketed to relevancy and won the interest of users, developers and the enterprise sector. That’s not enough, obviously.

In 2011, you’re going to hear a lot about how Android surpasses RIM, Apple, Microsoft, Symbian and whoever else (in the phones sector, anyway) as Google has gone full sail ahead with their business model and it seems to be working out for them tremendously.

Researchers and analysts have previously predicted that Android would be the top smartphone OS in market share worldwide by 2015, while some believe it can achieve that goal much faster. Regardless, they all believe it’ll eventually dominate the phone wars. As you know, tablets are currently an entirely different story.

Take a look above at the hard numbers if you really care for all of the nitty gritty details. To summarize, RIM is now second, Apple follows them, Microsoft follows Apple, and Palm is still last. Only Google and Apple have grown, though the former has grown a lot more than the latter. Sweet! Let’s hope this trend will continue throughout the rest of the year. (We certainly expect it to.)

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