
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Hits FCC With AT&T/Canadian Radios


The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 hit the United States on June 17th, but has yet to be launched on any US carrier. Verizon is lined up to be the first as they’ll have a 4G LTE version, but no others have since been announced. A version with AT&T radios has passed the FCC, however, which might change that picture. Of course, recent rumblings of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 going to Canadian networks (Bell, in particular) suggest that this FCC filing is for the great white north. More at 11. [Wireless Goodness]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I just wish tablets would come out with the capability to hop on any network.  Buy the tablet on amazon or wherever… Activate it on whatever network has the best price/service, no contract.  Switch carriers with the same device if you find a better deal or hate their service.  Make carriers actually compete.

  2. Keep dreaming…

    1. I agree with the first comment, Why dreaming,it’s a damn good idea, that way the networks would get much more customer’s on board and tablet manufacturers would sell more tablets and customers would be happy as well

  3. Can you make and receive calls on this with wired or bluetooth headset?

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