
13 New Countries Get Live Traffic Updates in Google Maps


The folks at Google are adding traffic support for Google Maps in 13 more countries, mostly European. The list of countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland. Alongside live updates, Google will estimate how traffic will look in the near future based on current traffic trends. We’re not surprised at Google chipping away at providing a great Maps experience for the whole world to enjoy and we’re glad a ton more people are in on these goods. Find the update in the Android market.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. You said that all countries are european but i can clearly see Israel in there. Last time i checked the map, Israel was in Asia

  2. wow, i don’t know if it’s my geography or yours that’s off base; i never knew that Israel was considered a European country.

  3. Drats. I copied and pasted the list and didn’t even see Israel.

  4. While technically being located in Asia, Israel is commonly reffered to as an honarary member of Europe in many things…

  5. Also they said “Mostly European”. Moving on from fake issues to be taken with your article to a real one…. you left out Indonesia which was also added as a country with access to live traffic recently. At least Jakarta anyways.

  6. wait all these countries and not the U.K or is it already available in the U.K?

  7. Maybe Israel is European but only in matter of civilization. In a geopolitical way it was, is and always will be Asia and even mighty G. won’t change it. It’s rather sad that mr. Csaba Garay, who is a resident of Switzerland, makes such mistakes.

  8. Love the fact Ireland is part of the latest offerings. Big up for Google maps!

  9. I had a look on the Austrian and German maps some days ago and the traffic data seemed to be very generic. I wonder if they use what is available on RDS (that would be a lot!) or are just extrapolating from past traffic (very low quality then!) or use traffic flow data derived from the users of their system (medium quality).
    LG, ETG

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