
Amazon App of the Day: Humans vs. Aliens brings Plants vs. Zombies with a futuristic twist


Many of us love Plants vs. Zombies, but you can only play it for so long. If you have achieved everything, a similar (almost identical) game with a bit of a twist might be what you need. If that is the case, today’s Amazon free app of the day is Humans vs Aliens.

It is the same idea, except this time you are dealing with military personnel and equipment, as well as aliens, meteors and orbs. And if you like social gaming, this is also an Open Feint game, so you can go against the world with all your achievements.

Check out the game for free, straight from the Amazon App Store. If you happen to read this another day, though, the app is $0.99 both in the Amazon App Store and the Android Market.

[Via: Reddit]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. The futuristic twist I would hope to see is that, unlike plants vs. Zombies, it actually runs on ICS.
    I guess I might have to check to see if it is compatible.

  2. This app sucks. Theres no tutorial and if there was one it was a crappy one that didn’t tell u much. Played it for 3 min then uninstalled it.

  3. Major problems with slow energy drops. Feels like its a losing battle constantly, entire screen gets filled with powerful enemies before you have a chance to get energy production going/placing enough soldiers

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