
Facebook App Center is another apps highlight platform… but on Facebook


Facebook have officially released the Facebook App Center, a glorified apps highlight platform that’ll give you download recommendations for apps in the Google Play Store (and iOS for those who have Apple devices). This is great for developers who want to drive downloads as Facebook provides an audience hundreds of millions of users who may or may not be aware of how to find new apps otherwise.

Facebook also includes recommendations from friends so you’ll be directed to apps which you might have interest in due to your friends’ taste. Developers can apply to have their apps listed, though the service is still weeks away from being rolled out to everyone. Developers can get started here. [via Facebook Developers’ blog]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Makes me believe a Facebook phone is in the works. Will FB go the way of Amazon?

  2. Quentyn, why do you think that Facebook is a plural noun?

  3. Really don’t care, I only use fb to communicate with people in my home state, once I get back home you either exist in the real world, or don’t exist at all.

  4. Why is this spam still showing up on Phandroid?

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