
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 promotional renders leak hours short of IFA announcement


The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 almost managed to make it to its official unveiling without revealing itself through the normal course of leaks that usually lead up to a high-profile smartphone launch. We’ve caught glimpses and heard rumored specs, but now with Samsung’s IFA Unpacked event just moments away, official promo renders of the Note 2 have hit the web. Uncovered by PocektNow, they show the phablet in both a white and grey/black color scheme and come with a reiteration of the device’s reported specs: 1.6GHz quad-core CPU, 5.5-inch Super AMOLED display at 720p resolution, and a 3,100mAh battery. The handset is also said to launch with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

The Note 2 ends up looking like a larger Galaxy S3, which is exactly what we figured. Samsung will be taking the wraps off this one officially in an hour or so, so stay tuned for all the info to follow.

[via PocketNow]

Kevin Krause
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  1. tell the truth.. how many want a nexus note??

    1. I stuck with the Nexus line until I bought my Note. That would be my dream phone.

    2. +1

    3. You read my mind! Would absolutely love a Nexus “Note-like” phone.

    4. *raises hand*… but, only if it includes an SDcard slot. Then again, I’d always run CM10, 11, etc. anyway, so owning a Nexus device to get the OS updates becomes fairly unnecessary…

    5. Yes – and less bezel, please (no buttons)

    6. I desperately want it on Verizon – TODAY – I don’t want the VU crap

      1. The VU? More like the P-U ! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!

    7. If it runs like the nexus 7 I’d take two. But I agree Motorola need to make one

    8. I definitely would. Stock Android, Wacom digitizer, beautiful (huge) screen. It would be great.

    9. Oh gosh I’d be all over that

    10. *raises hand

  2. Good to meet you, my new phone/phablet/tablone!

  3. The 16:9 aspect ratio looks so strange.

    1. Does it really? That picture looks almost identical to a SGS3. How does that qualify as “strange”? Perhaps it’s just the mere thought of a 16:9 GNote that just seems strange…

      1. It only looks strange if you own the original Note. It looks so skinny, compared to the original.

        1. True but look at that abomination known as the VU and then look back at this beautiful beast.

  4. We need to change the “swipe to unlock” to “Play a tune while tapping on the screen to unlock”…start making toys fun again!

    1. Better patent that before Apple does!

    2. You should probably patent that concept ASAP. Combine it with fingerprint recognition for two-factor authentication… ;)

    3. Make the lock screen a game of Simon Says!

  5. Mine!

  6. I think I want one. I also want a Note 10.1 LTE, since they have practically identical software though, I may end up just grabbing an S3 to avoid the redundancy.

  7. wont the screen be worse than Note 1 because they increased the screen size but reduced the resolution?

    forgive my noob question.

    1. Let’s see, the original Note is 284 PPI, the Note II will be around 267 PPI; so yes you’re correct.

      1. Can the human eye distinguish between the two?

        1. HTC Rezound 342ppi and even though it is 4.3″ screen, you can certainly tell how good it is compared to other (less ppi) phones of similar size… not sure if 267 vs 284 is noticeably different but on a large screen, it might be.

  8. Damn, pentile, old quad-core, and no flexible display.

    Honestly I’ll probably still buy it but come on, .2″ and two more cores? Resting on your laurels much?

  9. Not what I was hoping processor or screen wise..doesn’t seem like a good enough bump for me..

    This makes it easier for me to move to a Nexus this fall.

    1. why would you went anything else than a nexus….nexus lines are the best

      1. The screen size is just that awesome..However with this hardware it won’t be worth it to me to skip the Nexus this time around.

  10. Why is Verizon so dang dumb. I want this and have to get the lg optimus Vu instead. Ugh

  11. Nice…

    Not as excited as I thought I’d be, though, since my S3 puts a damper on the enthusiasm I once had when rockin’ my ol’ Captivate. :) Also, the display’s still pentile, and not using the rumored new “unbreakable” flexible tech, so there’s that.

    Initially I thought I might upgrade my S3 for this, but I’ve decided to keep it, and upgrade to the NOTE3 instead! NEEEXXXT! j/k

  12. I’m disappointed at the resolution not being 1280×800 again.

  13. This is my next smartphone (but only if it releases w/ 4.1) . I’ll get my stock fix from the Nexus 10 (here’s hoping)

  14. Which network

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