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Samsung delays Galaxy Note 7 re-debut in South Korea as another Galaxy S7 Edge explodes

Samsung had originally planned to re-launch the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in their home base of South Korea on September 28th, but it seems the company is keen on holding off. Reuters reports Samsung will now look to target October 1st to put it back on store shelves.

Samsung’s reasoning is that only about half of the Galaxy Note 7 owners in the country have responded to the recall, so they want to allow more time for folks to become aware and send their devices in before new ones go back on the store shelves. We’re not sure if the move is due to limited supply in replacement stock, but we imagine not — it would look bad on Samsung to offer up new devices in retail without having stock set aside for those who are still holding onto the explosive devices.

Meanwhile, yet another report of a different phone exploding — the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, again — has come out. Samsung has mentioned before that incidents on new Galaxy Note 7 units and other smartphones are isolated. Is that true or are all of their phones actually dangerous?

Not likely. Phones from years prior, Samsung or otherwise, can explode under extreme circumstances or from use of third-party accessories. We’ve seen it happen with older Galaxy S phones. We’ve seen it happen with numerous iPhones. We’ve seen it a ton over the years.

Still, these new reports seem like they won’t stop coming in any time soon as consumers link Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 issues to, well, all the galaxies, and these isolated incidents get more exposure than they ever have.

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