
Samsung is now aiming at a 2018 launch for foldable smartphones

We’ve heard all sorts of things in regards to the commercial availability of foldable smartphones. 2017 was supposed to be that golden year, but it’s quickly become apparent that’s little more than a dream, even if companies like Lenovo want you to believe otherwise.

Samsung, for instance, once suggested the technical marvel may not arrive until 2019, with certain technologies still needing to be matured and refined. But it seems the company could be making even more progress than anticipated, with CEO DJ Koh saying they are now targeting a 2018 launch.

As we’ve heard before, the biggest thing impacting timing is getting over some technological hurdles that would keep the device from the realm of commercial viability. We still don’t know what those hurdles are and whether they’re tied to technical feasibility or cost control.

Whatever it is, Samsung sounds confident in their ability to get it done, especially with their supposed willingness to show prototypes off to partners behind closed door meetings earlier this year. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait more than another year or two to see the thing in the flesh.

via Korea Herald

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