Beta testing is a way for app developers to test new features and changes with a select group of users. It helps them get valuable feedback and fix any major issues before making them available for everyone. As for testers, it is an opportunity for them to be one of the first to receive any new changes planned for the app. They also get to contribute to the way the app gets shaped up in the future. So if you have been wondering how you can become a beta tester for your favorite app, this is the tutorial for you.
The whole process of signing up for the Android app beta is a simple one. The best part is that it can be directly from the Google Play Store without any complex tweaks. But before you proceed, it is worth noting that while the idea of trying out new features before the masses sounds exciting, it is also a risky one. There is always a chance of running into issues that may affect the app’s usability severely. This is because those features are still under testing and are not yet ready for prime time. If you are comfortable with encountering such circumstances, let’s move ahead.
This way, you can join an Android app’s beta program easily. Some apps may show you a message that “Beta program is full”. It means that all beta slots have been filled and they are not accepting any more requests. However, there is a workaround that works for a few apps but not all of them.
You need to search for that app’s beta version Play Store link. Open that link in a web browser and you will see a page as shown in the screenshot below. Click on the “Become a Tester” button to join the beta program.
If the web page shows that slots are full, simply keep refreshing the page until you see the join button. This trick usually works right away but if it does not for you, we would suggest you be patient and try again later. Alternatively, you can visit APK Mirror to grab the latest beta version APK of the particular app and sideload it.