Telegram has done a great deal over the last few months to make the app more accessible to more people. From having less intensive versions of the app for older Android phones to other optimizations – it’s unsurprising that the communications giant is now offering a low-power mode.
Low power mode allows you to disable the automatic playing of animations and gifs, allowing you to sip off your phone’s battery a little more gently. This also helps with its overall performance on older handsets, allowing it to be less resource intensive. Telegram has cited in its blog post that it has tested this mode on over 200 handsets, making sure that, as far as possible, the experience will be uniform across the board.
Telegram has also come through with some smaller quality-of-life improvements for its app. It’s squished over 400 known bugs in a big spring cleaning. Has added new features like being able to choose the speed at which you listen to messages or watch videos. While telegram has had support for changing the speed of media for a while, this latest update allows you to choose a more granular speed by holding down the 2x button while you are watching to set the speed to exactly how you would like it.
Added more customized emoji support so you can get even more expressive. There are some more emoji and sticker changes as you would expect added to the latest update. You can now set your stickers to be set by a dynamic order rather than a most recently used one. You can do this by going to the cog on your settings menu and going to the stickers section.
Telegram premium users have a whole new 10-pack of animated emojis to enjoy. And last but not least, some smaller additions that will make a difference like being able to send auto links to people as a message for those who want to be added to a group but have their privacy settings set to not add automatically. This means less fussing around and more getting in touch with the people you want! This on top of the ability to, in smaller groups, be able to see who has read your messages means this is a pretty robust set of changes for this telegram update.