Earlier this year, OnePlus launched their first ever tablet despite being in the mobile space for quite a while now. It was called the OnePlus Pad which came with a mid-range price of $480. In case that’s still a bit too expensive for your liking, you might be interested to learn that a new and more affordable model could be in the works.
According to X user @1NormalUsername, they spotted a post in the OnePlus forums that makes reference to a “OnePlus Pad Go” with the model number “OPD2304”. Further investigation revealed that this model number was spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards website, indicating that this device does indeed exist.
As for what kind of specs we are looking at, it’s really anyone’s guess at this point in time, but seeing as the “Go” is in its name, it is speculated that this could be a lower-priced model compared to the OnePlus Pad. Before you get your hopes up, Android Authority notes that because the device has only been spotted on the BIS’ website (for now), there’s a chance it could only be launched in the Indian market.
This means that those of us living in the US and other parts of the world may never get our hands on it, short of gray market imports. The company hasn’t officially confirmed the existence of the tablet yet so it’s best to take this with a grain of salt for now until they do.
Source: Android Authority