Verizon to Show Off LTE Devices at CES


Slightly making up for the lack of GTV manufacturers is the recent twit that Verizon Wireless just might have a few LTE handsets to show us.

With the official launch of Verizon’s LTE network we were all but certain the CES would be their outlet for showing off the latest and greatest, we just love confirmation. And for the record, peanut butter and chocolate is the greatest combination ever. This isn’t up for debate, it’s just known fact.

[via BGR | @VerizonWireless]

Tyler Miller

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  1. I agree that PB & Choc. is a good combo BUT Almond butter and Nutella is THE BEST :)
    We’ll see if VZW can make my AB & Nut. status

  2. Did everyone see the Motorola Tablet Commercial just posted on Engadget…YES…i cant wait to have it

  3. Let’s hope this is true verizon is falliing behind with the phones they have now compared to other carriers phones and 4g

  4. I am allergic to peanut butter, but not android and LTE, can’t wait to see the phones!!


  6. I greatly look forward to this. My next device will be among these new lte phones.

  7. I’ve been holding onto my 2 year contract pricing waiting for the next step up from the Incredible/Droid X. PLEASE release something worthy. HTC Mecha (Incredible HD)!!!

  8. I greatly look forward to this. My next device will be among these new lte phones. The other carriers do have some nice devices out. Verizon does need a 4g phone with front facing camera. Hopefully there will be one stock android device, but I won’t hold my breath for that. I expect some serious offerings from HTC, LG, and Moto. I favor Motorola at this point. Motorola has proven they will update their devices and that it will have great battery life and build strength. So if I have to pick a android device with overlay I think it will be Motorola.

  9. Let’s hope for a stock device! By the way whatever happened to the phandroid shirts that were supposed to be mailed out to the phandroud event attendees?

  10. Let’s hope for dual core stock android phones with unlockable bootloaders.

    Of course, after putting a million things on one phone, I can see how one might let something slide.

  11. I don’t know if I’m the only one who noticed, but the screen capture pic on this article was cut off in such a way that it says “like peanut butt” / “yum!”


  12. The only Verizon lte phone that will be out at CES be a vzw lte IPhone. So I have read.

  13. Lets not forget The Reese’s Candy Company’s mysterious set up at CES (hinting at the “peanut butter and chocolate”. The Hershey Chocolate Company claims to have “The Next Big Little Thing”. Just an idea. Check out Youtube for some other coverage of Reese’s at CES.

  14. yeah…like peanut butt! yum! ;-P

  15. This is what I have been telling people!!! Wait till CES before you all go up in arms about No 4G AKA LTE Phones. They will let everyone know about everything at this event from pricing of the 4G LTE service to what phones will be out. Just have to wait patiently like me.

  16. Android phones have really closed in on the Iphone with special attention on the programs and apps. I believe they are on even terms and you won’t lose out from having bought one.

  17. Yawwwnnnnn,

    All hat, no cattle!

  18. I wish verizon would get the iPhone, it’s just not going to happen though. What’s really sad is verizons lte won’t be as fast as AT&Ts 3G, this just makes me sick. As an engineer for Motorola I have had the job of load testing all the networks here in the US including verizons lte and it’s as slow as it gets. They need to steer away from CDMA now!!!

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