
HTC Moving Along as Strongly as They Have Been, According to Q42010 Numbers


HTC’s just reported their fourth quarter stats for 2010, and just as you’d expect, they don’t disappoint at all. Year-on-year net profit is 160%, and overall sales doubled since this same time last year: to 24.6 million units.

They accrued revenue of $3.6 billion overall this quarter, and came away with $500 million to throw into the piggy bank. HTC expects to ship around 8.5 million in Q1 2011 – the part of any year where smartphone sales are at their lowest industry-wide.

After facing criticism about their uninspiring products (not that they aren’t good, just that they all seem the same), HTC’s Peter Chou alluded to wanting to shake things up in 2011.

“It’s a new market with many competitors, and we don’t want to rush into it,” Peter Chou, HTC chief executive, said. “We hope the product we eventually unveil will be one that meets consumers’ needs.”

I can’t imagine he was talking about anything other than the tablet(s?) we expect to see by them sometime this quarter, hopefully at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. [via Cellular News]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Speaking of making very similar products – how about you start putting other chips besides Qualcomm’s in your products HTC? The Adreno GPU will most likely continue to remain the weakest GPU among its competitors in 2011, even with the new dual core CPU’s. Plus, it seems you’re falling behind the dual core race because you refuse to use anything but Qualcomm chips. I like HTC products, but the only thing that bothers me is the Adreno GPU and the VERY low internal storage they put in their phones. So, I suggest you start shaking things up by putting at least 8 GB of internal storage in all your phones, and start using Tegra, PowerVR and other GPU’s in your products, otherwise you won’t see me as a customer anymore.

  2. The OS won’t be able to utilize dual core, so what’s the point?

  3. I’d rather have HTC build quality and open for hacking than chips that can’t really be utilized like on Samsung or locked down bootloaders on moto…

  4. Very Nice

  5. Yeah, I don’t care about GPU because I am not much of a gamer. In terms of productivity, Qualcomm chips are currently the best in terms of single core. And that is more important to me. Plus, HTC offers good quality, competitive pricing, quick updates, easy hacking, great UI. I’ll take it over Motorola/LG/Samsung any day, dual core or no dual core.

    And tim: you don’t know what you are talking about. Android is OPEN SOURCE.

  6. HTC would be unstoppable once they get a tegra 2 in there. 16gb or more internal, ffc, 8mp duel led flash rear and a 4″ + screen. Make it a monster and sales will skyrocket!!!

  7. How about putting more powerful batteries in the devices. Thunderbolt only a 1400?! Love my Dinc but had to upgrade the battery to the Seidio 1750, with only a slight improvement

  8. HTC makes the best android phones, hands down. Yes the GPU is weak but I’m not a gamer. I really love Sense UI, with that skin, Android is able to compete with iPhone in the aesthetics department.

  9. Didn’t all the fanboys just praise apple for selling “only” 16 million iphones in q4?

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