
Next Major Android Update Will Be Ice Cream Sandwich, Says Romain Guy


Eric Schmidt had already mentioned that the next major revision of Android would be a dessert starting with the letter “i” and trusted sources of ours have already assured us that “Ice Cream” or “Ice Cream Sandwich” would be the codename, but it doesn’t get much more official than this. Romain Guy – a known Google – responded to a Google Code issue on the Android project hub to let the inquirer know that the issue will be fixed in “Ice Cream Sandwich”.

While we still haven’t been able to confirm what exact version number Ice Cream Sandwich will receive, Android 3.1 is the most popular. Eric Schmidt did confirm that this version would be bringing some features of Honeycomb to smartphones (where the fusion would make sense, of course). Another thing we haven’t been able to confidently peg is a date, but Google I/O’s coming up in a bit over a week and Google’s been known to make some juicy, sweet announcements there. [Thanks Yuankai!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Lets hope with ice cream sandwich stock android will have scrolling widgets, it should as honeycomb does!!!!

  2. Who cares until my droid x gets gingerbread.

    1. exactly, i care more about your droid x. screw everyone else as long as u get what u want. get on it Google this clown is really important.

      1. Thank you for making everyone at work stare at me really weird. You just made my day.

        +1 for you.

      2. Thanks Mike, you just made soda come out of my nose. LMAO

    2. Talk to Motorola and you carrier. Put pressure on them to release an update. This has nothing to do with Google. If you wanted updates as they happen you need to get a Samsung Nexus S.

    3. Gingerbread has been out for the DX for over a month now. It doesn’t bring much more than an ugly UI, though.

      1. Not true, it brings a lot of performance gains, better memory management, and some improvements to the Motorola apps (email, launcher, camera; all of which are better than the stock Android experience)

  3. I hope it comes with Hardware Acceleration, dual cores optimization and a stock video editor (seen in Honey comb).

    1. It should have the first 2 at least.

  4. I thought it was official months ago that it was going to be “ice cream sandwich” which is why I never understood why everyone was throwing around just “ice cream”…

    1. A guy from Google let it slip a few months back that the next version would be ice cream. I think it was on TWIT, I think.

  5. Suddenly, I want an EFFIN’ ICE CREAM SANDWICH. I’ll be back, going to the store!

    1. haha every android release meets with me eating too many desserts. Although I wish froyo was called funnel cake. I love funnel cake.

      1. If Froyo was Frozen Yogurt what would be the abbreviation for Funnel Cake?

        1. Fu-c……heyyyy wait a min

  6. Seeing as how Adobe kinda leaked that the next update will be 3.1 and I don’t think they plan/talk about bugfixes further than the next major release. I am guessing that 3.1 will be icecream-sandwich!

  7. Nexus S next week on Sprint.

  8. Ill never see ICS on my atrix, still no date for gingerbread. O well. I wish motorola would make a nexus phone. And call it the nexus x. Id buy that lol

  9. my nexus one just got 2.3.4 update…hahhahaha
    google and their nexuses are so great…………

    1. And smart as you are you have the link to the update from the logs for us all!?

      1. Its an OTA update so …

  10. hopefully ice cream sandwich will come with the announcement of a nexus 2

  11. The important question I believe is, will this be the version that goes on both tablets and phones.. or is this just for bringing some features to phones from the tablet. I really don’t think they can merge the development fast enough.

  12. bro we’ve been telling you its ice cream sandwich for months. you guys are the only ones who didn’t want to believe it. im not saying its official but it bothered me how you chose to go with ice cream instead of ice cream sandwich when the more predominant name was ICS. any way, ICS is an awesome name

  13. Darn can i taste the gingerbread cookie first.

  14. Do you think ice cream will add dual core support and then quad core support will be added this winter?

  15. I have not even had an Ice Cream Sandwich and I am already craving Jelly Beans

  16. I was wondering why, after reading awhile back that the next update was going to be called Ice Cream Sandwich rather than Ice Cream was due to the fact that the icons for Ice Cream and Froyo would look too similar
    But, it in the past month or two, it has been referred to as simply “Ice Cream”. Not just here, but in pretty much every Android site. It doesn’t matter, although I do think Ice Cream Sandwich is a great name, and would make a very cool statue in front of Building 44.
    More importantly, I am really interested to see what improvements it brings, as there is much speculation on how much it improves and merges some of the aspects of Honeycomb and the existing Gingerbread builds and how it handles optimization of multiple cores. It goes without saying that there is a major lack of Gingerbread on current phones (rooted and custom ROMs aside), so I am wondering if there are any phones that will actually jump from 2.2 to 2.4. If there are, I’m sure it will be very few, if none at all given that manufacturers and carriers have to get their stuff on there, and now, in many cases, make them harder to root, fighting against tethering, etc. -which takes more time for them to get around to updating. If ICS is
    I actually bought a box of ice cream sandwiches at the store after reading this article and some of the comments, because I was jonseing for an ICS afterward.

  17. I’m wondering if they are going to be serving Android Shaped Ice Cream Sandwiches at Google I/O 2011. Yummy!

  18. I’ve had Gingerbread on my lil’ ol’ EOL’d Droid Eris for a while now… crossing my fingers for ICS to come someday.

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