
Android 3.1 Update Changelog & SDK Available, XOOM (Verizon) OTA Now Available for Manual Download


Earlier, we told you guys Google issued an upgrade to Honeycomb. The upgrade brought the version number to 3.1 and it added some pretty cool things. (My favorite was the addition of native resizable widgets, but other highlights include full USB host support, inline HTML5 playback (with videos embedded using the <video> tag) in Android’s native browser and a ton more. (A lot of it is low level stuff that you developer types will want to take a gander at.) Google has now published the full changelog over at their developer site for all to consume. Those who want to take advantage of the new changes for their own apps can download the updated SDK (revision 11) here.

In related news, the Motorola XOOM on Verizon was the first device announced to be getting the upgrade and it actually rolled out for users today. Many of you aren’t seeing it, unfortunately (including our very own Rob Jackson), but Pete Alphonso has done what he does best – intercepted the URL that will allow you to download the build (HMJ37) straight from Google’s servers. It’s a signed, legit build straight from Verizon/Google/Moto and can be flashed as such, but we aren’t exactly sure how to go about that at the moment. Trust me when I say that when we know, you’ll know. [Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. the xoom is sooo yesterdays tablet…

    1. Suuuuureeee. Whatever you say.

      1. Xoom is still current. @8c958b1f54f1f89d49a4ab9607bce263:disqus must own an iPad.

        Check out the free app of the day from Amazon on Xoom. Wish my Fascinate had Android 3.0!

        1. SARCASM

    2. Explain to me what today’s tablet is then??? The Asus Transformer which requires a keyboard dock to exceed 10 hours of battery life, or the Iconia which can barely pull off 6 hours? Or possibly the upcoming Galaxy Tab 10.1 with it’s invisible HDMI out, terrific propietary port, and TouchWiz which will only delay future updates?

      Obviously you could be talking about non-Android tablets, but I’m not even gonna get started on those.

      1. Galaxy Tab 10.1 does not have TouchWiz. It’s stock Honeycomb.

        1. Please do some reading. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 has Touchwiz, just go to Samsung’s own website to confirm.

          The one given out at Google I/O didn’t have Touchwiz (hence “Limited Edition” or whatever they called it), but the one consumers buy will certainly have TouchWiz, as Samsung stated in the press release a week ago.

  2. “Resizable widgets” is Motorola innovation. “Resizable widgets” already available since Motorola Droid X (11 months product ago).called “Ninja Blur”.

    1. Google has been pretty clear in the past, that allowing manufacturers to skin Android helps them evolve the product, and resizable widgets is hardly the first example of that.

  3. Any word when us WiFi XOOM owners are going to see this update?

    1. I have the WIFI XOOM and I got the update last night so hopefully you will get it soon.

  4. So if the Sdk is available does that mean we should see some honeycomb builds for something like the Nook Color?

  5. I don’t give a flying turtle fart about 3.1 for XOOM!!! WHERE THE creepin, crappin, christ is the update for Droid X?!??!?

    1. Yes, I also believe my device is more important then everyone elses… darg nargit!!! This thread is now about me..

  6. Eagerly waiting for the ice cream sandwich!!..

  7. I can’t wait until we see this on our Viewsonic gTablets! Robeet already has a Alpha Verizon of Honeycomb 3.0 working on it.

  8. Sure with the Honeycomb targeting
    for the tablets, the world is expecting the ice cream sandwich release. With
    the hassle free interfacing with the cross over platforms android looks
    promising. Thanks for sharing this post!

  9. Really? The VZW Xooms got the update? Both of them? How exciting!!

  10. Thanks Chris. Hope I get my update today *crosses fingers*.

  11. If I end up with a heart attack over all of this foreplay, I will be sueing someone…for sure.

  12. I hope they made some major improvements to the browser. would love to see Chrome ported to Honeycomb :D

    See im madd confused. Not really the android geek type guy buy love my xoom despite all its fault and false advertisement. *cough cough* Anywayz, so I havent received my so-called realoly cool android 3.1 update.Some say honeycomb 3.1 others say android 3.1 big difference but whatever. So I go to a verizon store and I’m like “dude, I haven’t received my 3.1 update, can you do it” and he’s like “hmm dont know what you talking about there’s no update” i’m like “it’s all over the news, forums, Google I/O etc” anywayz nothing accomplished. I called motorola directly  and the asian/korean (no offense) guy that barely speaks english tells me that there is no such update buttt that I can get the 4G upgrade now. All I have to do is go to a Verizon store and follow their directions. Grrrr, seriousally. Anywayz so now I see a link “HMJ37′ that supposenly is the 3.1 upgrade link. I’m not trying to get a virus or let anyone hack my xoom but I do want this upgrade. I waited long enough and been through hell and back. I flipped money on something that doesnt even support everything that it says it does. Sooo, one have anyone downloaded the link? Does it really work? and what does he mean by “we dont have instructions for flashing?” and dude who didn’t know what a tablet was, seriousally? :/ I mean not the smartest at this but it does say Motorola Xoom on top. Please help peeps.

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