
Android Overload: AT&T Passive Agressiveness, Nexus S Issues & More


You might say there’s no such thing as too much Android and you’d be right- partially. If we posted every bit of Android News your poor little brains (I mean big brains) would probably explode. So instead, we keep a stockpile of tiny tidbits to make sure the most dedicated of Android fans can get their full fix. So if your appetite is still asking for bots, the rest of your buffet is below:

  • AT&T passive-aggressively fires back at T-Mobile, publishing a blog post that states “it is much easier to be critical than correct” and drops some AT&T knowledge on the table. Really interesting stuff but roundup material because this will likely go back and forth for AGES before anything is solved. [Via TMOnews]
  • Some Nexus S owners have reported pictures randomly deleting from their phone and Google is struggling to find an answer. I’m wondering if it’s not the phone at all – and instead – a similar app all these Nexus S owners have installed on their phone that’s to blame. Hit up our forums to chime in (and list your apps to help solve the problem!) [via CW]
  • Photon 4G Car Dock and Multimedia Dock snapped at NYC Event [via Android Community]
  • Skype Edition of LG Optimus Black being launched by TELUS this summer [via MobileSyrup]
  • As previously reported, Motorola continues to back away from the MOTOBLUR name
  • Dell launching their Streak 10 Pro in China, bypassing USA/Europe [via Reuters]
  • Microsoft is poaching Android Devs to import their apps to Windows Phone [via Engadget]

Until next time!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. AT&T knowledge = a bunch of bs. The merger better not go through.

  2. It’s really odd that some Nexus S users  have had their photos missing. I’m definitely glad i haven’t had that problem.

  3. you mean ATT fires back at Sprint, right?  im guessing t-mob shareholders want this deal to happen.

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